Watson assistant

根据官方文档,已经提供了sdk, 自己的这个package只是使用 官方的sdk基础上,做了小小的封闭。代码托管在github上 watson

目前只有一个assitant package,提供方法来开始一个session并且发送message从而得到结果。


package assistant

import "testing"

func TestAssistant(t *testing.T) {
	// start a new session
	bot := NewSession(&WAConfig{
		ApiKey:      "your key",
		ApiUrl:      "your url",
		AssistantId: "your assistant id",
		Version:     "2020-04-01",
	defer bot.Close()
	// prepare a message
	msg := "your message"
	// send the message to watson assistant
	output := bot.Send(msg)
	t.Logf("%+v", output)


type Intent struct {
	Intent     string  `json:"intent"`
	Confidence float32 `json:"confidence"`

type Generic struct {
	Type string `json:"response_type"`
	Text string `json:"text"`

type WAOutput struct {
	Generic []Generic `json:"generic"`
	Intents []Intent  `json:"intents"`

type WAResult struct {
	Output WAOutput `json:"output"`


{"output":{"generic":[{"response_type":"text","text":"I didn't understand. You can try rephrasing."}],"intents":[{"intent":"taocan-88","confidence":0.33275983}]}}