包含标签 k8s 的文章

413 Request Entity Too Large

Error message 413 request entity too large How to fix Nginx increase client_max_body_size Kubenetes Ingress increase proxy-body-size reference -> https://kubernetes.github.io/ingress-nginx/user-guide/nginx-configuration/annotations/……


Cookie With Insecure or Improper or Missing SameSite Attribute

Issue Cookie with Insecure or Improper or Missing SameSite attribute Risk Prevent cookie information leakage by restricting cookies to first-party or same-site context, Attacks can extend to Cross-Site- Request-Forgery (CSRF) attacks if there are no additional protections in place (such as Anti-CSRF tokens). Cause Sensitive Cookie with Improper or Insecure or Missing SameSite Attribute Fix Review possible solutions for configuring SameSite Cookie attribute to recommended values for K8s, you may edit the ingress configuration, set samesite value nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/session-cookie-samesite: "Strict" ……
